How To Order

A hearty welcome from the MedArk Team!
We are thrilled you are choosing to reduce your carbon footprint and reduce plastic waste for your practice or business. So lets make this as simple and easy as possible for you.

There are three ways to order:

A La Carte
1) Go to the product page you are interested in
2) Choose your specifications on size and volume of product
3) Click on Add To Cart or Buy Now - you will be directed through the purchase (prices will appear at the checkout can of course cancel at any point)
Tip: this is a great way to buy single items for which you need small volumes OR you want to try first before committing.

Create an Online Account
1) Click the little person icon on the top right hand of the screen
2) Fill out some basic details and set up an account
3) For all future purchases make your orders quicker and more streamlined
Tip: this is a great way to save time on the ordering process...and be privy to some exclusive sales and discounts throughout the year.

1) Go to the contact us page and simply tell us what you want and when via email or the message submission form. 
2) We will contact you within 24 hours to finalise the details of the transaction
3) We can even set up a personal account for you so you can order even more quickly and easily in the future
Tip: this is a great way to buy large volume orders and recurring orders.

Looking forward to serving you and your team.